Electric car-sharing platform evee maxes out crowdfund to hit $1.6 million in total



A crowdfunding round for electric car-sharing platform evee hit its maximum target overnight of $1.6 million as retail investors flocked to grab a slice of the fast-moving company.

The former head of developer delight and media at Atlassian and the former marketplace director of Canva joined in on evee’s raise, enabling the company to push forward with its global aspirations.

The average investment from the 618 backers was $2,479 - well above the $1,600 average across Birchal’s platform - further demonstrating Australians' appetite to support the scaleup.

In addition, an extra $70,000 on top of the $1.6 million came through in the final hour of the raise - with those contributing to the oversubscription to land on a waitlist in case any existing investments fall through.