Can you spot the rip in this picture? Hero lifesaver reveals the exact ways to avoid getting caught out in the water



Hero lifeguard Scott Burgess revealed how to identify a rip but said the best way to avoid one is to stay between flags and only swim during the day. A rip might have deeper and darker water with fewer breaking waves, there may be seaweed or debris …

Hero lifeguard Scott Burgess revealed how to identify a rip but said the best way to avoid one is to stay between flags and only swim during the day. A rip might have deeper and darker water with fewer breaking waves, there may be seaweed or debris floating out to sea or sandy-coloured water that extends beyond the surf zone, he said.

Mr Burgess also said there were three factors contributing to the Australian's drowning so far this swimming season.

'If you're drinking don't go swimming, please don't swim at night, swim between the flags,' he warned.

'All three of those contributing factors have been in play when we've lost people recently.